Feed the Homeless in Muncie Indiana

Have you every wanted to feed the homeless?

Right now a new fellowship is forming in Muncie Indiana. The Shepherds Heart and Hands Ministries. Together with the Global Methodist Church they are feeding the homeless, working together to keep the homeless alive, warmed, and to provide the love and hope we all would need if we were in there shoes.

Starting February 9th 2024, Pastor Joseph Romero is leading a team to create “Church for the Homeless” which is really for everyone.

However, we need folks to cook and serve food. The truth of the matter.
Homelessness in Muncie is growing, and so is the need to feed the hungry.

Are you ready to serve?

If you ever wanted to serve the homeless and give them a hot meal? This is your opportunity! The Shepherds Heart and Hands are looking for you to join the team of volunteers!

Want to serve some pasta to 100 hungry souls?
Bring it on! Contact Pastor Romero by phone and get connected!

Bring your Bible Group

We are looking for small groups to take just one week out of the month.
Pick one Friday out of the month to plan your evening to love on Muncie’s Homeless and bring your friends. Serving the Homeless is a great way to share the love on God in a tangible way.

Nothing like fresh hot pasta dishes, or stew to feed these hungry souls. Just contact your friends and you each make one tray of loving belly warming food and you will have not just given them food, but love, compassion and fulfill the great call to feed the hungry.

Jesus said;

Mat 25:35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

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