It’s time to thrive in 2025

Season’s Change

Where do we start?
It’s a new year! Yes, we are excited to see all that God has for us this Year! We should go into this year rejoicing in the Glory of the Lord. We must realize that each season has it’s purpose.
To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven: – Ecclesiastes 3:1
As a Man of God, I have seen a lot of seasons. I see times of pruning where God wants to clean up areas of our life. I am so grateful for all the seasons for they are all important and should not be taken likely. Times of refreshing is one of my favorite seasons as the Lord knows exactly when we need to be ministered towards, poured into that we can be made full of that which the Lord desires to impart. God is a good God and He will make sure that we go through all the stages and seasons in life in order to mold, shape, and produce a fruitful servant ready for God’s Assignment.
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant,
and a time to pluck up that which is planted; – Ecclesiastes 3:2
Where are you in the seasons and stages of Life?
Have you been Born Again? Sounds like a strange question? Well, many of us can navagate in life in our own free will and nature and many may do fine. But for the Child of God, we know that the start of our journey and life in Christ happens when Jesus Christ becomes Lord of our Life. And even though many of us have been born again. I wonder if we somethings need to be reminded of the fact. The Time to be Born is not just the coming out of your mother’s womb.
We must realize that to come to the kingdom of God we must be born again!
A time to be Born:
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:3
We look forward to discussing more about the seasons in the Lord and the opportunities that God has given us to be born anew! Die to old! Be prun for more growth! We can go on and on about the seasons. but it’s a new year and what will your life be like in it is the questions we should ask ourselves? Where do you see yourself spiritually?
So often we hear talk about the new year and how things will be better. Will it? Why? This may seem like a crazy question but the I ask again, Why will this year be better in the Lord? What changes have taken place in your life to create a different result than last year?
I tell people all the time that some changes take place as we change in our activities, actions, and pursuits.
Are you going forward with change?
Are you going forward with God?
Are you starting the Year with God first in your life?
What does that look like?
Please don’t let another day go by without taking the time to renew yourself with God if you have not done so. Please don’t allow weeks to turn into months and you are not clear if God is first in your life? He really makes the difference.
Remember, it’s a change in the Season and every tree bares fruit in it’s season!